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Safety Policy

CHOUDHARY SERVICES (the Employer) takes Safety issues seriously and is committed to protecting the Safety of our Labour & Staff and all those attending Work Place. This policy is intended to help the Client understand that we are concerned for the Safety matters and our responsibilities in this regard.

Achieving a Safe atmosphere at the Workplace is a collective task shared between the Client and the Contractor. This policy ensures to apply to all Labour & Staff of the Contractor, irrespective of seniority, tenure and working hours. This Policy also enforces our site Staff to ensure the provision all the proper Safety Gear to all those present on the Site according to the different works being carried out in different areas.  This includes Safety Helmet, Safety Jacket, Safety Shoes, Safety Belt, Safety Gloves and Safety Glasses. The works carried out in the line of Safety for all our Labour & Staff shall mean to us the satisfied output of the work.